Yesterday I participated in a major conference dedicated to a future of the European Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system on...
Павел Куфтырев – PhD, адвокат, практикующий с 2004 года. Павел Куфтырев является сокоординатором рабочей группы Верховной Рады Украины по разработке законопроектов о прямой демократии, адвокатом года в сфере экологического права 2020 и 2021, главой комитета экологического права и энергетики Ассоциации адвокатов Украины

Pavlo Kuftyryev took part in the conference “Bringing Russia to justice: Building the case”
International specialists and experts held an online discussion on problematic legal issues related to war crimes, crimes against humanity and...

Pavlo Kuftyryev: The work in Brussels continues
Today, together with the President of the Association of Ukrainians in Belgium Igor Chechelak, the ambassador of Ukraine to the...

Pavlo Kuftyryev for Ukrainian Journal of Business Law: Relevant Mechanism
In the Western world large corporations and businesses often face multi-million exposure of class action issues. In Ukraine there are...

Pavlo Kuftyryev: Class action lawsuits are a way to unite people to solve common problems
Pavlo Kuftyryev, managing partner of GRECO law company, tells RBC-Ukraine in an interview about the Vasylkiv tragedy, and his leadership...