Dear friends, today, while on my business trip to the United Kingdom of Great Britain, I have attended an extremely...
Павел Куфтырев – PhD, адвокат, практикующий с 2004 года. Павел Куфтырев является сокоординатором рабочей группы Верховной Рады Украины по разработке законопроектов о прямой демократии, адвокатом года в сфере экологического права 2020 и 2021, главой комитета экологического права и энергетики Ассоциации адвокатов Украины

Pavlo Kuftyryev participated in the conference on a future of the European ADR system
Yesterday I participated in a major conference dedicated to a future of the European Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system on...

Pavlo Kuftyryev took part in the conference “Bringing Russia to justice: Building the case”
International specialists and experts held an online discussion on problematic legal issues related to war crimes, crimes against humanity and...

Pavlo Kuftyryev: The work in Brussels continues
Today, together with the President of the Association of Ukrainians in Belgium Igor Chechelak, the ambassador of Ukraine to the...

Pavlo Kuftyryev took part in a meeting with the Commissioner of the European Commission and with the representative of Ukraine in the EU
I participated in a meeting with the European Commissioner for the Environment, Virginijus Sinkevičius, together with the ambassador of Ukraine...